Michał Borkowski, MSc,
PhD student

+48 42 631 32 05
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Michał holds his BSc degree on Nanotechnology at Faculty of Chemistry of Lodz University of Technology investigating the influence of temperature on the stability of aqueous plasmonic dispersions of silver nanoparticles. Even as a master’s student, Michał held a nearly one-year internship at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz (Germany), beginning work in the field of organic electronics and self-organizing systems in prof. Klaus Müllen and prof. Paul Blom groups. He graduated from Lodz University of Technology with a master degree in Nanotechnology investigating the impact of the architecture of alkyl substituents on the ordering of conjugated macromolecules. During his internships at the Max Planck Institute, he was focused on investigation self-organization of both polymers and small molecules using in his work such techniques as GIWAXS and 2D-WAXS, Atomic Force Microscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy and field-effect measurements of OFETs. Improvement of his skills and knowledge was also possible during synchrotron measurements conducted at the Delta synchrotron in Dortmund (Germany).

Michał started his PhD studies in the field of organic electronics and is now focused on the phase separation process in thin films obtained from blends of polymer semiconductor and dielectric polymer for self-standing, flexible and thin film organic field effect transistors.

+48 42 631 32 05
+49 61314976500

VISITS: 7986
Created by: Mateusz Brzeziński

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